on friday i picked matt up from the airport, ran some errands, picked garrett up from work and then we headed off to idaho to take matt back to school. it was a tight fit, but we made it work.
this was a much welcomed and needed trip.
it was so nice to have a break from real life and be back in rexburg again!
though i dont forget how much i love that little town and the people there,
it always surprises me how lovely it is to visit and be back.
i am so glad we are only 3 1/2 hours away.

while we were there we were able to make it to olivia's birthday party, have slumber parties with two of my favorite people around, move matt into his new apartment, play disc golf, take sal swimming at the warm slough, see friends play music,  and get a friend for sal!

meet jay gatsby, the newest member of our family!
he had just been neutered 30 minutes before we picked him up so its been an interesting 24 hours making sure he's not active, doesnt eat and is still happy.
him and sal are slowly warming up to each other.
but i can tell they are going to be the best of friends.
(at least they better be. we got jay to keep sal company while we are gone during the day.)

jay likes to get lost in sals hair.

when we go to idaho sal knows he can be free there. 
he runs and runs and runs.

when we were playing disc golf sal chased a little girl, a boy on a bike, tried to join some skaters on the half pipe, found two pieces of pizza in the grass and devoured them and tried to go swimming in the duck pond.

to say the least, he was a hand full this weekend.

its good to have so many good friends so close and to now have matt close as well!