In preparation for the move in 6 weeks, I have started getting rid of things and taking them to DI.
Today i droped some stuff off and thought
"in six weeks i can read what ever books it want...!"
so i deceided to go in and only look at books.
(and i am so glad i did because i got 4 books for 2 dollars.)
But while i was in there, some one had pulled ALL 5 or the fire alarms in the building.
people starting to go crazy.
i felt like what i imagine i will feel like at the end of the world.
people tried looting and walking out with things.
others ran from the building, not knowing what was going on.
of course this was all before any one knew that they were pulled by someone in the building on purpose...
Needless to say, today was an exciting day at the Rexburg D.
That is wild!