i am no longer browsing craigslist (and every other job website in existence) for jobs
because garrett got one!
it is now dog browsing.
garrett will be working the grave yard shift just about every night starting in two weeks.
11pm- 6am. (woof)
which is ok for me, because then i will actually get to see him during the day.
but then again im not the one working all through the night.
(which, thinking about working a graveyard shift really messes with my mind.
when do you eat meals? do you eat breakfast at 10pm, lunch around 3am and dinner when you get home at 6am?)
but i have this thing where i always think "bad guys" are going to get me.
(i talk about this in my sleep.)
or that someone is trying to get into our house.
for example, there is a storage closet out side of our door (we live in the basement)
i ALWAYS make sure that door is closed, and we never open it.
But almost every time i walk past it its open!
i swore there was some one living in it and they would just forget to close it when they left.
garrett has confirmed that there is no one living in it, and it would be almost impossible for any one to live in it.
(apparently it opening has something to do with the air pressure and the cold weather...?)
but point being,
i need a dog to catch the bad guys.
idaho has lots of labs.
and boxers.
but where are all the pugs?
and "mini" so and so's
and "teacup" yadda yads?
cause as much as i want a lab or a husky, i dont really want to travel with one of them.
if you find one of these dogs below, or any like unto them, you can let me know.
i want need one.
- Author name:
- The Sherwoods
- Publish date:
- Friday, January 25, 2013
- Discussion:

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I want a pug SO bad. Nebraska has a rescue pug organization called Pug Partners of Nebraska. Maybe ID/UT/MT has something similar?
Also, you need a dog if Garrett is going to work the midnight shift. Jeff and I's schedules rarely ever matched up when we were in college. Like we were together for a 2 or 3 hours a day before bedtime. So we got me a gerbil even though it was against the rules. And even though it was just a lil gerbil who hated being held, he was a great companion.
Have you thought about a bunny? I really want one and looked for some while we were Idaho. There are a lot of them. My favorite kind are Holland Lops because they have little compact bodies and floppy ears.