Archive for May 2014

so i opened up an etsy shop.
The Salty Beatnik.
in my mind its not offically "open" yet.
I havent really shared it on facebook and things like that yet.
Im still working on research, collecting, and inbound links (instagram, pinterest, etc).
besides finding the dresses, my favorite part is doing the photo shoots.
two of my best friends are a huge part of this process with the modeling and photography.
Im thinking that July will be my official open because were working on another fun project right now
but until then, its fun to see random sales come in and people "following" the shop.
here are a few if my favorites in the shop right now.

garrett found this wonderful prayer the other day.
you can find it here
i fell like we are in this weird limbo state.
we both have jobs that treat us well and are pleasant on most days.
we are still madly in love.
we enjoy our current church callings.
we have a nice apartment.
etc etc etc.
but i cant stop thinking about the "what could be's"
like getting jobs we can do from the road.
and buying an rv.
and a house on some land near water and mountains.
and visiting all of the states in our rv, but returning to our land when weve had too much of the road.
and having little sherwood babies.
and garrett being able to make a living from playing music and writing.
and i to be able to stay at home at sell dresses online for fun.
our lease is up soon so we are apartment hunting right now.
and job hunting.
and trying to make things line up.
but to be real about it,
it all comes down to faith.
which i am learning a lot about lately.

So the big birthday bash happened.
It seems like it was so long ago now.
but here are some of the photos from that day taken from lots of other peoples facbook pages
The party was planned to be outside, but due to the crazy idaho weather we had to do it inside.
which worked out perfectly.
we had tons of friends come and go through out the night.
amazing music by BadLands (Mal and Garrett) Ryan Hayes, Jon Lewis, Ford, Jeff Smith, and one of my favorite performances of the night Leif Raker.