this weekend has been another one spent in idaho.
garrett had production things to do for deep love.
we were planning on being there saturday, but other than that we didnt have plans.
garrett ended up singing with the soul band on friday.
saturday we had breakfast with friends.
garrett went to his meeting,
sal and i went to the nature park, chased ducks, and went on a long walk.
latter mal and i met up, went searching for some vintage finds, and worked on the shop.
i tend to get asked a lot if i miss idaho.
my answer: yes.
do i want to live there again?
idaho is so beautiful in the summer, but i couldnt do their winters again.
the thing i missed the most about idaho is all of our great friends.
it sure is a great place to visit though, especially because we always get to stay right on the snake river.
this past weekend we were up in rexburg for the poetry slam.
garrett was the feature poet, so he read some poems, sold lots of books, and i had a great time.
here is one of the poems he did.
you can see the rest on his blog.
while in rexburg i had the chance to finally collaborate with some friends and and work on an etsy shop ive been wanting to open for a long time now.
i took 40+ vintage dresses up to rexburg with me
one of my best friends mallorie foster modeled them
and one of my other best friends olivia schultz photographed them.
we had so much fun and im excieted go get this project up and going.
more on that later though.
while we did our thing, the boys some how ended up in the corner playing cards.
which was perfect.
other highlights from the weekend;
hanging out with my little brother
finally getting my bike back
meeting baby wes for the first time
watching jay and mama roxy play together
oh, and i went red.
remember that birthday party i was telling you about?
well the invitation is in the works.
its going to be designed like a music festival flier
and have garrett, sharon, and i on it as our spirit animals.
(or possibly a tree for sharon by her request....)
its going to be pretty sweeet.
our good good friend drew grella is doing the art work and design.
i love his stuff. to the point where we have more of his art work in our home than anyone else's.
you can see some of it here.
he started on the invite this week and sent me a sketch of garrett.
i think it is so great.
and i am so excited to see the rest.
its been awhile.
i know.
here is whats been going on.
garrett finished his new book!!!
you can now buy it here.
we are headed to rexburg this week for him to do a reading at the rexburg poetry slam (which he started)
i know i had no part in the writing of this collection of poetry, but i am so glad it is done.
i got a new job!!!
i am now a preschool teacher at the university.
i teach the professors and doctors kids.
(most of which are crazy smart for three year olds.)
who would have thought, right?
it is one of the hardest but most rewarding jobs i have ever had.
most days its me vs. 16 three year olds.
sometimes i win. sometimes they win.
but its a good time.
last week at school/work i learned that i in fact never paid attention when we talked about dinosaurs when i was going through school.
while trying to teach about dinosaurs i found my self constantly going to dictionary.com and having it read the names of dinosaurs to be because trying to figure out how to say ornithomimids and pachycephalosaurs is really hard.
also, three years repeat, mimic, and remember everything you say and do.
we went to a friends comedy show, and it was soo funny.
every one should have a friend that does stand up comedy.
we have been indulging in, get this, siracha carmel popcorn.
if you know me you know i love three things
siracha, carmel and popcorn
putting them together was genius.
i based my recipe off of this one.
weve had sunshine and rain for the past two weeks.
guys, i think the snow is gone for good.
well, lets cross our fingers.
im ready to put away my winter clothes and start using my water slide pass.
also im ready to start riding my bike to work.
or rather, riding the train up the giant hill that the U of U sits on and then cruising down it on my bike.
we are planning a major birthday bash.
garrett, our good friend sharon and i all have birthdays in the same week.
(mine is my golden birthday, 25 on the 25th!)
none of us like to have the attention that comes with having a birthday.
so we are throwing ourselves a mini music festival on the snake river.
basically taking the attention off us individually, putting it on all of us and our musical friends.
music, food, friends, pinata, im trying to convince them we need a bounce house...
basically, its going to be a great time and every one is invited!
my mom started following me on instagram!
which is cool.
my parents arent on any form of social media.
so this is kinda a big deaaaal.
(k, not really but whatever.)
and of course we have had all of the in-between stuff, visits from friends, lots of time spent with aunt bobbi and kids, playing with our animals, trying new restaurants, going on adventures, time at the gym, trying to sleep in on saturdays, etc.
basically, we are busy and happy.
but will try to be better at this little blog.