Once upon a time i was in a family and child advocacy class.
it was definitely in my top 5 favorite classes i have ever taken.
in that class we talked a lot about why some people believe in not having children.
why people are scared to have children.
and why people should have children.
i ended up writing a very large paper on this topic and would often discuss it and research about it with a professor.
the other day he emailed me this video.
and its pretty good.
Archive for November 2013

for the past few years rexburg has been the home of many of my thin places.
(the term thin places comes from celtic spirituality)
thin places meaning a place where the boundary between heaven and earth is especially thin.
i think of them as my own holy grounds tucked in my own little corners of my own little world.
the secret places i would go on my own and have those aha moments and my eyes opened wide.
this weekend when we were in rexburg it seemed old, tired, and distant.
and cold, very cold.
i went to one of my thin places,
(off the bike bath, down the bank, under the bridge)
i sat there for a while and realized my thin places have changed and moved.
but im not sure where they are at now.
lately life just seems to go go go go go go.
and ive been hard on myself.
i get home from work and i feel like im going to burst into tears.
i havent been to the gym since before deep love
our car hasnt been cleaned since before we moved to salt lake
most days i dont run a brush through my hair
we havent been actual grocery shopping in who knows how long.
my house seems to always be one giant mess.
and a cold mess at that.
we have yet to make any friends here (no time for that) (also, our rexburg friends visit often, so we havent needed to)
between work, church callings, rock operas, christmas programs and life, we havent had time for any of those things above.
which makes me feel not as bad.
ive been fighting with time, energy, emotion, creativity, and how to allocate these precious resources.
come december 21st life will slow down and i will be okay with that.
(well also be lake side in guatemala and im ok with that too.)
but come february, you will probably find me on here complaining about how boring our life is and the only thing we have to look forward to is summer.
as you can tell from the pictures below, i spent a lot of time with sal this weekend.
garrett was busy doing christmas bells stuff so i spent the majority of my weekend with sal wondering around rexburg aimlessly.

the other night as i was falling a sleep i had a sense of panic rush over me.
i asked garrett if he locked the bad guys out.
both of them?
"yes. all of them"
(this seems to happen every night. and by both of them i mean both locks. not both bad guys)
i continued to try and fall asleep and then i realized the panic was from what i was thinking about before i asked about the bad guys.
here's the thing.
i married a very, very,VERY talented man.
which is great. on most days.
he writes, does slam poetry, plays music, writes rock operas, and christmas programs, has the most unique voice most people have ever heard, is so kind and sincere, and honestly the list goes on and on.
he is good at any thing and everything he tries. and the first time too.
and his hobbies keep us busy.
today i said "i dont know what i want to do right now."
naturally he suggested "write a rock opera."
like it aint no thing.
this is why i was panicking as i was trying to fall asleep:
1. i realized i no longer have any hobbies.
since school and work have consumed my life for the past 5 years i didnt have time to have hobbies.
i always had a job through college and seemed to always be taking 14-19 credits per semester.
i felt guilty if i did something such as a hobby instead of spending that time studying.
2. (and my biggest concern)
our kids are going to realize how talented garrett is and say "mom, what can YOU do?!"
and i will have no answers.
so ive been hobby searching.
luckily, this great city of salt lake has lots of opportunists.
im going to try and attend workshops such as a paper flower making class and a cross stitching class.
im currently in the market for a key board so i can bring back some piano skills i once had.
im going to try some new recipes.
maybe take up knitting.
basically at this point, im willing to try anything.
plus, only having a job and not going to school leaves my evenings free.
so i actually have time for fun hobbies!!

my laptop is broken.
my phone is sitting in a bowl of rice.
our cat is as clumsy as i am- meaning he is breaking lots of things.
all of the time.
(which garrett just informed me that my older brother warned him before we got married that we cant have nice things because i will break them.....)
my house is a disaster.
work is a lot right now.
blah blah blah.
so until i get my life in order im just going to dump these photos right here. and not in order.