we're on vacation.
this means:
sleeping in.
junk food.
Walking Dead.
water slides.
lots of driving.
lots and lots of driving.
dentist appointments. =(
food cooked on the grill.
water mellon. <3 p="">hot weather.
reading books for fun (whaaaat? i can do that now that i'm not in school...?)
moo moos.
swimming pools.
ice cream cones.
vacation will come to an end as of Sunday.
but until then, that list above is on repeat.
Archive for July 2013

when i think about last week and how busy it was with moving and school and jazz i think of the photo above.
it feels so good to be home.
and to be done with school.
im done with college.
now its to real life.
with a real job.
in a real city.
(well, not now now because we still have one more week of vacation time in california....)
here are some bits and pieces from home this past week.

this past week has been crazy.
with trying to take my finals early, finish classes, clean and move out, and make it to California in time for the wedding family dinner- life has been crazy.
but we made it to california and dropped sal off with garrett's parents.
then made it to newport in time for the dinner.
family pictures on the beach the next day, setting up for the wedding,
the actual wedding, reception, clean up, sleep, drive to clovis, and now in merced.
i am going to try an finish up the last 7 assignments/tests i have today, that way i can finally feel like i am on vacation.
i feel like i have hardly had time to breath.
my parents house is a zoo, (4 dogs, 2 kittens, and chickens) and i love it.

we couldnt leave Idaho with out doing Table Rock one more time.
Garrett had never done it before so we did it today.
it rained some. was overcast. sunny.
and was a good hike with good friends.
this is one of those hikes that you curse the whole way up and down.
and you are left sore for days from it
but the view of the Tetons is so worth all of that.

last night we had a bon fire at Sharon's.
one last hurrah if you will, though it certainly wont be the last.
today the soul band played at the international dance festival.
it rained some, but it was gerat.

today sal and i played in the backyard until we could play no more.
so we laid in the grass and looked at the trees.
And then i went to di and some how convinced that man at the drop off to trade me a disco ball for my bag of stuff.
but i cant figure out how to make it work...
it plugs into itself....?

On Saturday we got up early and headed to Salt Lake to find a place to live.
This has been so stressful for me.
With only being able to look online with websites like craigslist and KSL i wanted to find something when we were there so that we could see it, ask questions, explore the neighborhood and make sure we loved it in person.
I had been looking all week and had a good sized list ready to go and look at on saturday.
Right before I was about to shut the computer i thought "I should check craigslist one more time."
so i did.
and i found a 2 bedroom, one bath, in THE CUTTEST neighborhood, hard wood floors, pet friendly and in our price range.
So I called right away and made an appointment to see it first thing in the morning.
We got there a little bit early and drove around the neighborhood and fell in love.
It was full of old brick houses, every one of them having their own character, old church buildings with stained glass windoes, and literally, people out side of their homes shaking hands with neighbors, people on bikes, and families gardening in the front yard together.
As soon as we walked into the apartment (which is a four-plex) i had to have it.
So we filled out the application and put a deposite on it.
The only thing is, we wont know if we got it for sure until tomorrow.
Heres to hoping and praying we did!
So after that we went to get some lunch with Jon and Ryan and realized that if we get this apartment we will be a few blocks away.
which is perfect.
It is finally felling real that this is happening.

For date night tonight we had snow cones for dinner.
i got my favorite flavor, wedding cake.

I dont know how i got blessed with so many good people in my life.
fourth of july we started off with the rexburg parade with some friends.
garrett had work from 11:30-4 so while he was at work i stayed at the park with friends and
then did some home work.
Around 4:00 we headed out to Sharon Morgans on the river for lunch.
She has such a beautiful home and is an amazing women.

This past weekend went by so fast and was so jammed packed.
Friday we started off with dinner where Joe's filling station used to be (RIP)
and is now a taco place.