Archive for April 2013

Still Following?

Are you still following these guys on The Voice?
Because you should be.
and this video is pretty funny:

Weekend update:

This was such a good weekend.
Now that it is getting warmer in Rexburg we can do more things outside!
Friday we went to the warm slough after class.
We introduced Sal to the wild, cold water, rocks, and a moose laying across the slough watching us.
And then I went to work at Ying Yangs to help them out.

Saturday we were planning on going to Yellowstone and then to a friends parents cabin in Swan Valley. 
But after doing some google mapping we realized it would be a 5+ hour trip.
So instead we went on a little hike with Sal in Hise.
Took a picnic lunch to the warm slough.
And enjoyed the time in the 72 degree sun.

 Later that evening, like I said, we were blessed to be able to go to our friends parents cabin in Swan Valley. 
It was SOOOO beautiful.
I can't even start to explain the scenery or the cabin its self. They were both sights to be seen.
We got a tour of some farms, made dinner, the boys watched some baseball, went on a drive in search of square ice cream but they were closed, and went on an adventure through the woods in a truck and told scary stories in the middle of the wilderness in the pitch dark. I had SO much fun. The life of a farmer is so different and fascinating to me. I wish I had more photos to show you of all this beauty, but the camera died 5 minutes into being there.
So i just have a photo of Mal cooking dinner and Garrett watching baseball in the huge living room. The guys looked like little kids in this room. And those windows. Woof.

on top of Matt coming home in July
me graduating (also in July)
and Jared and Jessica having a little baby boy,
Jess is now getting married too! 
So so soooo excited for the rest of this year to play out. 


Birthday are weird to me.
I love celebrating other peoples birthdays and spoiling them,
but i dont like my own birthday.
Well, i dont like the attention that comes with birthdays. I do like celebrating my birthday in my own ways. Just not with lots of people.
With that said, G doesnt like birthdays either. So we had a birthday party for him.
Until last year (when we started dating), his friends, even his BEST friends did not know when his birthday was. He is slowly being forced into celebrating his day of birth.
These are pre-party pictures and the only ones I have.
We are blessed with LOTS of friends.
I thought our apartment was a fairly decent size until this party happened.
So as soon as people started arriving, chaos began, Sal was getting stepped on
(he got his first shots today and got weighed, hes 2.9 Lbs!)
and i lost track of the camera.
it was a good time with good friends.
With only 13 1/2 weeks left in Rexburg, I sudenly have this urge to be overly social.
I have realized that I will not have friends like these, and so many of them, where ever we go next.
So I am going to enjoy what Ive got while I've got it.


This little guy brings so much happiness.
(the dog, not G. though he does make me happy too.)
I don't know how many selfies I have seen people take with him.
or how many kisses he has received on the head, the majority from complete strangers...
or text messages saying they are sad and was wondering if they could come play with Sal.
or little boys who hold him so tight when its time to go and say "I need him. I love him." on the verge of tears. (ive been there buddy, i know how you feel.)
or Vine videos taken.
or instagram photos.
if i was tech savy and had a vine or instagram, we could start a #Sal kind of thing.
what im basically trying to say, is even though this guy can be a whole lot of trouble and he thinks its time to play at 5:00am and some times goes potty one foot away from his potty pad, he makes people happy. and that makes me happy.

Sand Dune Birthday

Garrett got to pick everything we did and ate today because its his birthday.
one thing he wanted to do was go to the sand dunes.
it was good fun.


The weather was semi-nice today.
Sal helped me pick these flowers.
He really like to eat at the center of them
Tomorrow is G's birthday.
And I am so excited.
No work.
Play all day.
Breakfast in bed.
Pizza hut (by request) for dinner.
And Garrett Cake (Carrot) on Sunday with our friends.

Im ready for next semester to start, so that it can end.
And these two boys rock my world.

(having a six week old puppy can be hard.
really hard.
but really really reaaaally fun.)


i started a tumbler.
sometimes i dont want to use words.
but i have things to say.
or i just like some things and dont want to make a million blog posts.
and tumbler is a place for pictures.
so i ll be on both.


i am happy.
one more semester.

I am so sorry

(i promise i will not talk about this dog every single day. but he's just so stinkin cute.)

i'm playing stay at home mom today.
G and I were both planning on working 7:30-4:00 Mon, Tues, Wed this week
that was until we got Sal.
He's only 6 weeks old therefore he can't be alone for too long.
This morning when it was time to get up, i just couldn't.
So here is to the first day of spring break.
Skippin work and playing with this guy all day.


i dont know how or what just happend but we got a puppy!!!

his name is Sal Paradise Sherwood
he's a maltipoo
5 1/2 weeks old
the most adorable thing in the world.
he is so soft and cuddly.
he already loves our friends.
i am a happy girl
happy birthday to us!


(i asked G if we could take a "myspace/ duckface" picture and i was surprised when he said yes.and hes better at it.) 

lately i do not want to go to sleep.
i feel like a little kid on christmas eve.
except that, i dont know what im so excited about...
i stay awake day (night? idk) dreaming about maltipoos
and moving to salt lake and wandering around the city like old times.
about two nights from now when G works his last grave yard shift!
when next week comes and i dont have to go to work if i dont want to.
also next week when i am going to do spring cleaning and put my winter clothes away and pull out my summer clothes. (this used to be so exciting when we were kids, and it still is.)
summer weddings.
about 3 months from now when i will be done with school.
when the weather is warm enough to go camping!
when we get to spend time in california with the sunshine and family.
when deep love stuff starts happening.
when july comes and baby brother comes home from his mission.(i. can. not. wait. and poor G gets to hear about how excited i am every 5 minutes.)
when i become an aunt.
when we go to Guatemala in december.
when january comes and we have no idea what we are going to do.
these are things i would rather think about then sleep.

Good day.

Today marks five (wonderful) months of marriage.
it is also the last day of school until next semester. which will be my last.
G won the bowling trophy tonight. (ive been wanting that thing in our house since the day we bought it!)

the sun is starting to shine again.
i dont really have to be any where if i dont want to be for the next week.
i get to start reading real books, not text books!
today is a good day.

dog sitting

we are dog sitting for some friends while they are in utah for conference this weekend.
G is at priesthood session of conference so after having some girl time/wedding talk with Mal, Sophie and I went on a nice little walk. 
i am going to be honest, having Sophie here has just made me want a dog 10xs more.
she is a Chihuahua and i usually dont like them because they look like little rats, or bats, or something.
and they are so yippy.
BUT this one is not! 
its the weirdest thing. she doesnt make any noises. none.
though I do not want this dog, i do still want a dog reaaaaally bad.
(we have decided to wait until we move in August to get one.)

He said yes!

out of pure bordem during work the other day i was browsing to see who is playing shows in utah.
and then i saw that this guy:

The Tallest Man on Earth 
(i can see my parents taking the name literally, no he is not the literal tallest man on earth mom and dad. )
He is playing at the Depot in SLC on May 31st.
i asked G if we could go as our birthday presents to ourselves and he said YESSSS!!!
I have been wanting to attend a Tallest Man on Earth show for a looong time.
and now i get to!
i am one happy girl.
also, this means we get to hang out in SLC for a weekend, and that is just as exciting.
i miss that city so  much.

Signs of the times.

its finals time.
i thought it wasn't have that big of an toll on me
until today.

1. i used the mens restroom at school and didn't even realize it until i was walking out.
2. i wore my shirt inside out ALL day and didn't notice until 4:00.

i will be one happy girl come thursday of next week.

oh allergies.

its that time or year again.
allergy season is back.
and so are the watery red eyes and tears running down my checks.
uncontrollable snot.
sinus headaches
sneeze attack.
as nasty as all of this sounds,
i am very ok with it.
because that means its spring.
and the sun is shining.
i get to ride my bike
and hang out in the backyard with G in the sun and read books.
plus, its only April 3 and i already have a base tan on my legs.


My birthday is this month.
if we had lots of money, these are the things i would buy.
but since we dont, my only request is that everything i eat on the 25th is cake batter flavored.

1. Raw Turquoise necklace. 
2. Natural Histories: Extraordinary Rare Book Selections from the American Museum of Natural History Library
3. Do the Brushstroke Dress
4. Lolli Peplum One-Piece Swimsuit
5. Artisan Crystal Copper Ring
6. Handwoven Turkish Kilim Rug
7. Colorblock ankle strap flatforms
8. Pug. from any where would be fine.
9. Tribal print top

the price is right.

on mondays and wednesdays i dont have to leave the house until ten.
on mondays G doesn't have to sleep all day because he didn't work the night before.
so we watch the price is right at 9.
and sometimes i get excited for the contestants when they get the price right and i scream real loud. (and G says, "I can't believe you screamed!" HELOOO the lady on the tv just won cool things by guessing a number!)
and sometimes i cry out of joy when the contestant wins their showcase.
but just sometimes.

one year.

one year ago today G and i sat on a couch in my apartment and watched East of Eden.
after the movie he said "we should date."
and i said ok.
and then he kissed me.
and my life changed.

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