deep love happened, finally:
Archive for October 2012

fall time in rexburg makes me nostalgic for fall time in salt lake.
nostalgic for Les Madelenies carrot cake cookies.
and temple squares trees changing colors.
and 300 south's leaf filled streets.
the city library's fall decorations.
and the smells coming from of the lion house in the evening.
coffee shop talks with alyssa.
every thing.
some times i really miss that city and the souls that reside there.

I don't know if its because i am getting old.
or because i dont pay attention to the media any more.
or because i am just not hip.
or if its because i just dont care.
what ever it is, i some how did not know what YOLO meant until a few feeks ago at church when i learned its meaning.
since then ive heard it soo many times.
at work. (3487928 X's a day)
walking around campus.
on the internet.
and then i heard a song by a man named Drake
(its a terrible song. dont listen to it.)
that is all about YOLO.
so if you're wondering what YOLO means, here you go
You Only Live Once.
But im sure you already knew that...

Matthew Brandit has a series of photos called "lakes and reservoirs" and they are neat.
"Color photographs that are soaked in the specific lake or reservoir water that they represent"