Archive for September 2012

do you ever think about how good things happen?
i do.
a lot.
some times things just happen.
some times you have to work for them.
but how they start is interesting to me.
for example: a good day for me usually starts with a good breakfast.
this is how one of the best things that ever happened to me started:
"i've been thinking about this. it kind of bums me out that a person like you and a person like me aren't better friends. what kind of world is this anyway?"
boom baby.
he had me at "i've been thinking."

if i could do it all over again (you know, school)
i would deeply consider mycology or entomology or even something like mineralogy or botany, more specifically bryology.
we went on a hike yesterday to our favorite spot, the "two water falls."
(i dont know what its really called)
and my senses were going crazy.
ive been there during the summer, but i think since the seasons are changing, there were different things to see this time around.
bright green and orange moss, caterpillars, mushrooms, colored leaves, berries (teal ones even!) etc.
it was great.
so since im not studying any of the above mentioned things in school, i ll just keep studying them on my own.
because they are so fascinating.
mean while i need these:

this morning when i left the house there was frost on the roof tops and the grass....
frost is ice.
ice is cold.
a little bit of ice leads to a lot of ice.
i realized that i have got to get my last dosage of swimming, warm bike rides, hiking, running out side, and watermelon in asap.
fall is coming.
which means summer is ending.
which means winter isnt too far behind.
(speaking of woof, did you know the worlds tallest dog is 44 inches from paw to shoulder and stretches over 7 feet long?....i am 60 ish inches. that dog can stand on two legs and be taller than me...)
these vides by Olive Us are perfectly french.
& i love them so much.