Archive for August 2011
We decided to go camping but we forgot to really prepare...
we didn't take food.
we forgot the tent poles.
we didn't have paper for a fire....
but we did have a great time.
and we made things work.
Shoe laces tied together can hold a tent tied to a tree up really well.
and 3X5 note card can help start a fire just as well as news paper.
But one thing we did learn is that sleeping with your head going down hill is a bad idea...

Remember when growing up actually sounded like fun? And don't get me wrong, there are still some aspects of growing up that I consider fun. Like having your own house, a dog or two (or three...) being able to paint rooms any color you want, etc. But boy, nobody told me about this part of growing up.
The anticipation that life will go the way you planed part. I didn't realize that in high school when I was sitting at graduation and listening to all of the speeches and getting pumped thinking "Yes! You are right Miss Valedictorian, the world is sparkly and full of opportunities! I will go find these opportunities!" This is true, but it doesn't work how I thought it would. I assumed the good grades, the perfect job, the most amazing friends ever who appreciate you, the excitement of finally having freedom, etc would just come to me. I mean, I graduated high school. I was grown up! Right?
I have learned to not expect things. Failing is a major part of growing up. I have to work for everything I get. And I have to work hard. I fail a lot, but that's OK.
NOW, I am not complaining. I am really happy with the cards I have been dealt. I am just stating that I, like the Ataris, have discovered that "Being grown up isn't half as fun as growing up. These are the best days of our lives. The only thing that matters is just following your heart, And eventually you'll finally get it right."
As long as I continue to do what I know is right, I will continue to be happy and the Lord knows what is going on even when I don't. And though life is tough some times, well, that's life and I am tougher.

I love baseball season.
The sun flower seeds.
The yelling.
The home runs.
The drunk people.
Tonight we went to an Idaho Falls Chukars game.
When standing in line for a ticket, some lady handed me one for free. SCORE!

On Saturday we went to Idaho Falls for the Duck Race.
Apparently this is a big deal here.
You buy a rubber duck from a booth that has a number in it and then they dump them
all in to the river and the ducks "race" to the finish line.
Winner gets a truck, 2nd place gets 4 wheelers, etc etc.
There was a car show, bmx bikes, booths, and other festivities.
It was fun.
Then we went to Pocatello to get the best Indian food in the world (or idaho)
and see Finn Riggins, whom I love.

We climbed Table Mountain. This is what some web site says about it:
"This hike is widely regarded as one of the most outstanding in the entire region and it bears the signature of the essence of the Grand Tetons.