Archive for February 2011
I am bad at blogging.
I ll be the first to say it.
But I "deactivated" my facebook account.
I am aiming to keep it gone for one full month, but forever if possible.
So this means I have more time to blog, right? yeah, well we shall see.
In honor of March Madness I have made a list of "mad" goals for the month of March. (facebook diet being one of them)
Another thing I am bad at: taking pictures.
So since I don't have any picture from the past few weeks, here is a list. List are just as fun right?
-The Get Up Kids show in SLC
-Jazz Vs. Thunder Basketball game
-Falling really hard on the ice X 5
-Trying every place in Rexburg that makes Chinese food, and realizing I am now biased to Ying-Yangs
-Pulling my bike out of the snow on a "sunny" (32 degrees) day, and putting it back down within 3 mins.
-Thai food once a week for the past few weeks
-Pocatello for Indian food and Corsair Wolves show
-Being in a van for what felt like 10 hours to watch Corsair Wolves play in Missoula Montana, At a house show during a real college party
And leaving the house right when the cops showed up.
-Matt turning in his mission papers and me being overly excited for him.
-Finding the most amazing fabric store. Too bad its 320 miles away.
-Wanting this semester to be over already
On another note:
I will (hopefully) be done with college next summer!!!
And I am ecstatic about that.

We had a snow day:
I had never been sledding before, and boy was I excited. I seriously asked Ford about 765 times if and when we could go. When every thing finally worked out (weather, peoples schedules, etc.) I got a little bit nervous. One reason I hadn't been sledding yet was because a past roommate had told me it was "dangerous" and heavens knows I am dangerous by my self, let alone on a piece of plastic flying down a mountain. So when Ford said he was going to paint his face to go sledding I got REALLY nervous. I said "we are not going to war, you don't have to paint your face. were just going sledding." His response "Sledding is like war, you don't just get on the sled and go down the mountain. Its so much more than that."
Hence the painted face (but then again he looks for any reason to paint his face):