Archive for September 2010

Heres to wishing a tiny bit that i still lived in salt lake:
Band of Horses
Blind Pilot
Surfer Blood and The Drums
Film School
Social Distortion
Blitzen Trapper and Fruit Bats
Jónsi (of Sigur Rós)
of Montreal
Ingrid Michaelson
Deer Tick
Dr. Dog
Kate Nash
Reel Big Fish vs. The Aquabats
Circa Survive
Greg Laswell
Bad Religion
Brandon Flowers
Margot & the Nuclear So and So's
Blonde Redhead
And this is just from now to december. (and these are the ones that i REALLY want to go to, this list could be longer.)

"...then I turned around and walked to my room and closed my door and put my head under my pillow and let the quiet put things where they are supposed to be."

here's to:
shopping online for things you dont need at 1:16 am.
(like everything on Urban Outfitters apartment section...)
drinking 42oz of Mt. Dew Code Red.
watching 500 days of summer for the 182 time this year.
staying up all night, just to realize in the morning i should have gone to bed.
making plans with a complete stranger, just for the excitement.
looking to the future.
and eating Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.
can i just say, LIFE IS GOOOOD.


i need things to do
i need a new job with more hours.
i need to be in school again.
i need to be doing something.
i watched the first season and half of the second season of lost.
ive watched 2 seasons of 30 Rock.
and now i have started on seasons 1-5 of Gangland.
i have walked around town for HOURS
and rode my bike just as much.
ive read 12 books in the past 2 weeks.
i have done 3 puzzles.
i have watched waaaay too many movies.
and slept way too little.
(i am not extremely proud of any of this.)
allergies make my head feel like its going to explode.
i need to go on vacation (from vacation...?)