(all photos stolen from the fabulously talented Harper)
Archive for 2010
We went to Boise (pronounced Boy-see).
I really like vacation.
It was a great time.
Ford let me do the things i wanted to do. Like eat at Goldys.
We even went to the old idaho penitentiary
I really wanted to go because the tv show Ghost Adventures went there.
It was great.
oh yeah.
and we watched Boise beat Fresno 51-0
it was cold but the boys made it onto ESPN a few times.

-I got a black eye. its pretty cool. i tried uploading a picture but it didnt work. maybe some other day.
-Last night i slept with mittens on. they are really thick mittens so it felt like i had oven mitts on all night.
-Our heat isnt working. and hasnt been for a while. I ve decided to invest in an electric blanket. are they expensive? i want to be warm, but i dont want to be poor.
-I signed up for classes. Changing my major was such a good idea. I now get to take classes like "Parenting" and "Clothing Construction" and "Practical Homemaking"....! But I do have real classes like the History and Philosophy of Education and Educational Psychology. I think the semester will be balance when it comes to the "fun" classes verses the "hard" ones.
-I watched the Burbs for the first time in a long time, and i was reminded of how much i like it. Along with Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.
-It is currently 16 degrees and tomorrows high will be 33 degrees. uggggh!

I want my studio back.
And my king size bed.
And my down town life.
And my public transportation.
And my easy access to thrift stores.
And my french style cafes.
And i really want to go to Chicago.
And Des Moines.
And Boise.
And Lincoln.
And Merced.
And Springfield.
And Austin.
And Toledo.
im going to watch the office now.

There are some things in life id really like to do. and there not huge or anything. there actually quite small. such as make carmel apples. play an xbox. climb R mountain. Go to Joe's on Saturdays. Go camping. Visit the city of Rigby Idaho. Learn how to play the bass guitar. See a clown in real life. Go sledding for the fist time in my life. Visit Yellowstone and see ole faithful. Finish preparing my Relief Society lessons before Sunday... You know, things of this sort...

Listening to: James Taylor- Carolina In My Mind
And now, a reciting of one of my favourite books "I Like You" by Sandol Stoddard Warburg:
I like you
And I know why.
I like you because
You are a good person
To Like.
I like you because
When I tell you something special
You know it's special
And you remember it
A long long time.
You say remember when you told me something special
And both of us remember.
When I think something is important
You think it's important too.
We have good ideas.
When i say something funny
You laugh.
I think I'm funny and
You think I'm funny too.
I like you because
You know where I'm ticklish
And you don't tickle me there
Just a little tiny bit
But if you do then I know where to tickle you too.
You know how to be silly.
That's why I like you.
Boy are you ever silly.
I never met anybody sillier than me
till i met you.
I like you because
You know when it's time to stop being silly.
Maybe day after tomorrow.
Maybe never.
Opps too late.
It's quarter past silly.
Sometimes we don't say a word
If I am a goofus on the roofus
Hollering my head off
You are one too.
That's because
You really like me.
You really like me
Don't you.
And I really like you back.
And you like me back.
And I like you back.
And that's the way we keep on going.
Every day.
And I like you because
When I am feeling sad
You don't always cheer me up right away.
Sometimes it is better to be sad.
I like you because
I dont't know why but
Everything that happens
Is nicer with you.
I can't remember when I didn't like you
It must have been lonesome then.
I like you because because because
I like you for so many reasons I can't remember.
On the fourth of July I like you because
It's the fourth of July.
On the fifth of July I like you too.
If we had some hats and some
Flags and some fire engines
We could be a HOLIDAY.
We could be a CELEBRATION.
We could be a WHOLE PARADE.
See what I mean?
I would go on choosing you.
And you would go on choosing me.
Over and over again.
That's how it would happen every time.
I don't know why.
I guess I don't know why I like you really.
Why do I like you?
I guess I just like you.
I guess I just like you.
Because I like you.

Thank you weekend for being here.
Thank you amazon for having phone chargers for $0.59.
Thank you work for providing free food.
Thank you opportunity for knocking on my door.
Thank you DI for treating me so well.
Thank you gram crackers and frosting for making (almost) everything all better.
Thank you brother for going on bike rides with me and being my friend.
Thank you Netflix for the entertainment.
Thank you people who come into work and make my day.
Thank you friend for being the best friend and best listener ever.
Thank you laughing for making things feel ok.
Thank you music for letting me feel.
Thank you life for being so good to me.
I know I keep saying i want things, but can i have this...?

The past few days I felt like my life was turning into the movie Kate and Leopold. My water wasn't working. My cell phone broke. The Internet was down. My alarm clock went bazerk. I felt like all the luxuries of technology were failing me.
But no worries. I have water and internet now.
I want to go to this: