If you don't have a song
To sing you're okay
You know how to get along
If you don't have a date
Go out and sit on the lawn
And do nothing
'Cause it's just what you must do
Nobody does it anymore
No I don't believe in the wasting of time,
But I don't believe that I'm wasting mine
If you don't have a point to make
Don't sweat it
You'll make a sharp one being so kind
And I'd sure appreciate it
Everyone else's goal's to get big headed
Why should I follow that beat being that I'm
Better than fine
Archive for August 2009

I'm a list person. i have to make lists all the time. but they have to be in my hand writing and lately they have to be on my "list" paper. I'm weird i know.

have you ever had a good mail day? well i had one the other day. i had a crappy long day at work and when i got to my mail box i debated even opening it because it being Tuesday, the weekly adds would be lingering in the box and i always feel bad just putting them in the recycling bag... but i did. i opened it. and inside patiently waiting was two netflix movies, a post card from mom over seas, this months Nylon mag. and a random check from work i was not expecting, and the Rachael Yamagata vinyl for her elephants album! what a good mail day.

Ive been very disappointed with stuff white peple like lately. i don't know if its the fact that i check it so often, that it feels like they NEVER post new ones, or what. but they need to start keeping it fresh.
today is the last day of finals. thank Buddha! i do not think it should be legal for there to be school during the summer. it doesn't even make sense to me.

Is it weird that i like to make my bed? I heard that making your bed in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. i agree. though I'm not sure what tone it sets...
I got asked today if i am a sixty-year old trapped in a 20 year old body. i don't know if this was intended to be a compliment or an insult. I'm going to go with compliment because the boy then asked me on a date. and hes cute. so even if it was an insult, i ll let it slide.
I have a twitchy eye. But not all the time. It mostly happens Sundays at church, Mon, Wed, & Fri, mornings between 7:30 and 9:20 when i have math, and Sat. nights when I'm working with odd people at night. Alyssa says it has something to do with stress. Church, math and work...i can see how that would be a stress issue.
I am currently in Anthropology class and there is a little Korean boy (OK hes not a "little" boy, but he looks like it) and he fell asleep during our movie and he keeps passing gas. and the stench is almost unbearable. and the worst part is hes sleeping so he doesn't even realize hes doing it. poor boy.



I tend to go to DI at least three times a week. Lame i know. BUT, its right down the street from me, so its legit. They always have something i like (notice i didnt say need) and i always like a good deal. Alyssa and I volunteer at the one in welfare square. were pretty tight with the people that work there now... haha ok. maybe not. but we like to act like we are. We got to sort books yesterday. It was fun, minus the fact that i ended up with a whole stack to buy and i almost got tackled for an Andy Warhol art book. that was lame, because i lost.

These shows are what got/ are getting me through the summer. I get one day off a week and that one day is the day i go to these shows. Jenny Lewis, bon iver, sonic youth, m. ward, iron & wine..just to name a few. (p.s. this picture is inaccurate, because i ALWAYS stand in the front row. i dont do this back row, cant see, business)